May 2013

May 7, 2013

Caption: “Residents of Naco, Arizona join residents of Naco, Mexico for a volleyball match during the fourth “Fiesta Bi-Nacional” at the fence that separates the U.S. (left) and Mexico (right), on April 14, 2007.” (Reuters/Jeff Topping)

In Focus: On the Border The Atlantic

May 7, 2013

Any dietary regime with a name (particularly a trademarkable one) is highly suspect in my book, but Mark Bittman’s new diet, VB6, which stands for “[eat] vegan before 6 p.m.,” seems like it could be the least annoying of all of them because you can still eat a normal, unfussy dinner with your friends and family.

I suggest adding another letter to the mix, however. The letter S. SVB6: “silent vegan before 6.” Meaning, don’t tell everyone about your awesome, world-saving diet. Just keep that shit to yourself. (I’m looking at you, palaeo dieters.)

VB6: Eat Vegan Before 6:00 to Lose Weight and Restore Your Health . . . for Good – Mark Bittman

May 6, 2013

Bush announced the end of major combat operations in Iraq under the “mission accomplished” banner on the USS Abraham Lincoln. (After arriving by jet.)

Probably something to think about as we consider military action against another awful dictator in the Middle East…

May 1, 2013

One Tiny Hand wins a Webby Award.

May 1, 2013

Via Sam Biddle, a new Tumblr that chronicles the “cyber-eyed vanguard of the nerd aristocracy”:

May 1, 2013