Word of the day—jentacular

jentacular (jen-TAK-yuh-luhr) (adjective) Relating to breakfast

Now for some jentacular subject matter.

The Health Care Blog unhappily reports on a new Hardees breakfast burrito that fits a half a day’s calories (920) and all of your daily fat and sodium allowances into one tortilla. (It’s still a better option than the Hardees salad, which has 1,100 calories.)

And here’s some jentacular etymology from Patricia T. O’Conner: “The word “breakfast,” by the way, dates from 1463. It refers to the meal that we eat to “break” our overnight “fast.” That reminds me of a poem by Shelley that compares breakfasts “professional and critical” to dinners “convivial and political.”

I’d say the Hardees burrito fails both of Shelly’s breakfast criteria.

And lastly, we have a headline from the Onion that explains a lot:

Most Terrorists Fail To Start Day With Good Breakfast

November 1, 2007